Climate critical: The energy efficiency imperative | Climate Group Skip to main content

Climate critical: The energy efficiency imperative

The EP100 Progress and Insights Report 2022, 'Climate critical: The energy efficiency imperative', details how the global energy crisis is a wakeup call to businesses and governments, making it clear we can’t go on wasting energy. 

In a world which is increasingly uncertain, being more energy efficient can bring greater certainty. This report shares how 125 ambitious EP100 members, in 126 markets, are improving energy resilience and cutting costs through their energy efficiency improvements.

Image shows report cover for Climate critical: The energy efficiency imperative

Key findings:

  • To date, EP100 members have reduced more emissions than the combined annual emissions of Denmark, Italy and Portugal.
  • EP100 members have reported $1.2 billion combined cost savings so far.
  • In 2022, three EP100 members reported hitting their stated energy efficiency targets. 

"If not now, when?"

In the report Toby Morgan, Senior Manager, Built Environment, urges governments and corporates to act on energy efficiency: “If not now, when?” 

Through measures, such as fitting more efficient air conditioners, building facilities which retain their heat better and installing more efficient manufacturing machinery, EP100 members are taking on the energy crisis and making the most of every unit of energy they consume.

Download 'Climate critical: The energy efficiency imperative' by completing the form below.

"We’ve been a fierce advocate for energy efficiency for years and we’re glad some of the world’s most powerful politicians and corporates have now woken up to the power of these improvements."

Helen Clarkson, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Group