
United Kingdom

Joined the Under2 Coalition in 2015
wales flag

Net zero government

State or regional governments publicly committed to achieving net zero emissions within their jurisdictions by 2050 or earlier

GDP: US$ 86.7 billion Population: 3,11 million

Member actions


Net Zero Target by 2050

In policy

Target status:

Further, faster, together: 2030 commitments

Climate leadership showcase


Climate leadership showcase

Wales’ Global Climate Change Response: Showcasing Wales’ leading climate action since 2010 after becoming the first Fair Trade Nation. The Senedd Cymru Welsh Parliament have agreed a set of seven well-being goals to achieve Wales’ biodiversity targets.

In November 2020 Wales hosted their first digital Climate Week: In November 2020 we held the first digital Wales Climate Week marking a year until COP 26 and the publication of our next Low Carbon Delivery Plan. The week consisted of free digital events covering a range of climate related issues and topics. The response was extremely positive, with all aspects of Welsh society engaging and over 2000 people actively participating in the platform website.