South Australia

South Australia

Joined the Under2 Coalition in 2015
south auz

Net zero government

State or regional governments publicly committed to achieving net zero emissions within their jurisdictions by 2050 or earlier

GDP: 75,593 billion Population: 1.7 million

Member actions


Net Zero Emissions Target by 2050

In policy

Target status:

Further, faster, together: 2030 commitments

Climate leadership showcase


Climate leadership showcase

The Regional Climate Partnerships are a network of eleven regional, cross-sectoral groups delivering practical action to strengthen the climate resilience of their communities, economies and natural and built environments. The eleven partnerships are: Adapting Northern Adelaide, AdaptWest, Barossa, Eyre Peninsula, Far North, Limestone Coast, Murraylands & Riverland, Northern and Yorke, Resilient East, Resilient Hills & Coasts and Resilient South.

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act: The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023  introduces a ‘one window to government’ licencing and regulatory system for the lifecycle of large-scale hydrogen and renewable energy projects in South Australia.

South Australia’s Electric Vehicle Action Plan: The South Australian Government is committed to delivering a cleaner environment and more productive power grid by bringing forward the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).