Efficient cooling in a warming world | Climate Group Skip to main content
Cooling breifing

Efficient cooling in a warming world

11 September 2020, 12:37 UTC

Demand for cooling is rising at an alarming rate.

As the world adapts to climate change impacts and as emerging economies grow and develop, electricity demand for air conditioning worldwide is projected to increase by more than 140% by 2050. Left unchecked, the related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could nearly double in comparison to 2016.

This is particularly so in non-residential buildings, with significant cost implications for the private sector. Rising temperatures across the globe mean that companies’ cooling systems will need to work harder and for more days per year.

Time for change

The Climate Group’s EP100 initiative, in partnership with the Alliance to Save Energy, brings together forward-thinking businesses poised to lead by example, by improving cooling efficiency across offices, factories, retail stores, and hotels.

This 'Efficient cooling in a warming world' briefing shines a spotlight on three EP100 Cooling Challenge participants in India and the Middle East, who have identified ways of cooling their corporate operations efficiently. They are reaping annual cost savings while lowering GHG emissions.

By improving their energy productivity, companies can boost their competitiveness.

Science shows that in the Climate Decade, we must halve carbon emissions by 2030 to avoid the worst effects of climate change. By sharing their experiences, leading companies are inspiring others to follow suit, helping us to reach net zero by 2050.


The Case for Efficient Cooling in a Warming World.pdf

Size: 11.65 MB

Date added: 23/10/20

The Case for Efficient Cooling in a Warming World